Secretary School Education & Literacy Department Visited Sindh Education Foundation
In order to accelerate progress and ensure the equitable expansion of quality education, UNICEF supports the Government of Pakistan’s efforts to significantly reduce the number of OOSC at pre-primary, primary and lower secondary levels. At systems levels, we are contributing to more equity-focused provincial sector planning and budgeting; strengthening data and assessment systems; and evidence-based policy advocacy. It should be noted that in some nations, such as Spain, Ireland, and some Muslim countries, religious and denominational influences control the school systems. In other countries (e.g., the United States), ecclesiastical and other religious bodies maintain elementary, secondary, and higher schools separate from the public-school systems. While several models exist for ALPs, these are still scattered and limited in scale. UNICEF is addressing the issue of OOSC through studies, supporting provincial sector plan development, development or review of non-formal education poli...